Hello! I’m Milena!
How are you?
I wanted to introduce myself and I always find it a hard thing to do… I love the moon, I love the sky, the stars; I love reading books in rainy days, and also in sunny days at the beach; I love plants and flowers and I’m always trying to learn all their names but I’m really bad at it. I love human beings, connecting with someone is one of my favorite things in life, understanding, listening, loving. I love love, intense, passionate, quiete at home, wild in the nature, fun… I love love.
I’ve been photographing for as long as I can remember, when I was a child my birthday presents used to be cameras, I still carry and use some of them and that is something that makes me happy. I started my professional life as a graphic designer and art director and I love it, but I found my natural habitat in doing what I always did.
When I look back to old pictures looking for memories, I do it very very often, I usually tend to love more the natural pictures that someone close to the family did, an uncle, a friend of my parents,… Those pictures mean something because they are part of our life. We were not just being in front of a camera but really living, really feeling, laughing, loving, and maybe just chilling. We look at our beloved ones in this kind of pictures and we truly recognize them. That’s what I want to do. I want to be a part of your life for one day, (or several…). I want to feel your emotion, I want to cry, laugh, and fall in love with your love. I don’t want to just take pictures, I want to take those memories that you will be looking at in the future and travel back to this day, to this feeling, to this piece of your life.
© The Galaxy’s Edge